December Monthly Challenge

Annyeong fellow Crazies! I'm back with another monthly challenge! December is one of my favorite months, not only because of Christmas, but it's my birthday as well. So, for this challenge, I'd like you to each post something you love every single day until January 1st. Yup. I mean it. It can be anything. A … Continue reading December Monthly Challenge

Short Story Tag

Annyeong! Thanks Yuki-Chan for forcing I mean tagging me to do this! Rules: Thank the person who nominated you. Create a short story containing the words the person who nominated you provided. Nominate one person and give them twelve words to create their own story with. Tell the person who created the tag. (Chingster3) Comment on fantageglimmershimmer giving … Continue reading Short Story Tag

The Blogger Interview Tag

Thanks so much to Yuki-Chan for nominating me! Annyeong! You've already seen the title, so you probably know what this is! Thanks to Yuki-Chan, I'll be doing this little interview! Rules: Mention the person who tagged you. Answer the questions in full. Don't forget to tag up to 10 bloggers at the end. How did … Continue reading The Blogger Interview Tag